The past year has seen plenty of progress in the Studio Gaunt universe. We have secured new clients, and moved towards a greater focus on direct relationships leading us into more and more creative partnerships. A happy place to be. We have designed a website that will be the foundation of our digital identity and registered the Studio Gaunt logo and name.
We have donated some of our profits to organisations we care about including: Safe Passage, Languedoc Solidarity with Refugees and English PEN. We believe in trying to be the change you want to see in the world and in the importance of supporting people who share your commitments. We even managed to dedicate a little time to some life-long learning, which has led to improved quality and a greater knowledge of tech.
Next year, we aim to do a little yoga every week, to read more outside the office, to get back in the driving seat (literally) and to launch the Studio Gaunt newsletter and social media presence. We hope there’ll be a little more political stability for everyone in 2018.
At times like these it’s important for everyone to keep talking to each other. Dialogue is the foundation of community and everyone needs to feel heard and valued or we’ll all just be shouting in our own corners. Words feel more important than they have been in a while.
Thank you for listening to us in 2017. We look forward to continuing the good work in 2018 and enjoy being part of your world.
All the best,